Switching the district heating of Szeged to geothermal
Szetav - The city
Szetav - The company
Geothermal Energy - Europe
Geothermal Energy - Southern great plain
Geothermal Energy - Szeged
Geothermal DH in Szeged - Extraction
Geothermal DH in Szeged - Transportation
Geothermal DH in Szeged - Utilization
Geothermal DH in Szeged - Injection
System operation - financing
North town
Basic data
- Number of apartments served: 4,049
- Number of public institutions served: 76
- Heating plants and heating circuits: Észak I/A, Észak I/B
Energy balance before switching to geothermal
- Natural gas used: 4,114,458 m3/year
- Energy output: 122,076 GJ/year
- CO2 output: 7,936 t
Energy balance with geothermal
- Natural gas saved: 81,480 GJ/year, 2,361,739 m3/year
- CO2 emission decreased by: 4,748 t/year
- Geothermal energy output: 73,332 GJ/year
Basic data
- Number of apartments served: 3,033
- Number of public institutions served: 17
- Heating plants and heating circuits: Makkosháza
Energy balance before switching to geothermal
- Natural gas used: 3,076,706 m3/year
- Energy output: 91,286 GJ/year
- CO2 output: 5,934 t
Energy balance with geothermal
- Natural gas saved: 69,999 GJ/year, 2,028,954 m3/year
- CO2 emission decreased by: 2,028,954 t/year
- Geothermal energy output: 63,000 GJ/year
Basic data
- Number of apartments served: 3,353
- Number of public institutions served: 26
- Heating plants and heating circuits: Felsőváros II.
Energy balance before switching to geothermal
- Natural gas used: 3,355,000 m3/year
- Energy output: 93,775 GJ/year
- CO2 output: 6,755 t
Energy balance with geothermal
- Natural gas saved: 75,781 GJ/year, 2,228,853 m3/year
- CO2 emission decreased by: 4,416 t/year
- Geothermal energy output: 68,203 GJ/year
Basic data
- Number of apartments served: 2,353
- Number of public institutions served: 29
- Heating plants and heating circuits: Odessza I. Odessza II.
Energy balance before switching to geothermal
- Natural gas used: 2,372,000 m3/year
- Energy output: 70,102 GJ/year
- CO2 output: 4,874 t
Energy balance with geothermal
- Natural gas saved: 66,030 GJ/year, 1,942,059 m3/year
- CO2 emission decreased by: 3,847.78 t/year
- Geothermal energy output: 59,427 GJ/year
Basic data
- Number of apartments served: 3,253
- Number of public institutions served: 33
- Heating plants and heating circuits: Rókus
Energy balance before switching to geothermal
- Natural gas used: 353,244 m3/year
- Energy output: 84,742 GJ/year
- CO2 output: 6,809 t
Energy balance with geothermal
- Natural gas saved: 75,555 GJ/year, 2,190,016 m3/year
- CO2 emission decreased by: 4,392 t/year
- Geothermal energy output: 67,838 GJ/year
Rokus 2
Basic data
- Number of apartments served: 1,747
- Number of public institutions served: 37
- Heating plants and heating circuits: Rókus
Energy balance before switching to geothermal
- Natural gas used: 1,895,892 m3/year
- Energy output: 76,251 GJ/year
- CO2 output: 3,657 t
Energy balance with geothermal
- Natural gas saved: 19,251 GJ/year, 558,000 m3/year
- CO2 emission decreased by: 4,197.55 t/year
- Geothermal energy output: 64,829 GJ/year
Basic data
- Number of apartments served: 5,792
- Number of public institutions served: 51
- Heating plants and heating circuits: Felsőváros I., Tarján III, VIII
Energy balance before switching to geothermal
- Natural gas used: 4,598,000 m3/year
- Energy output: 127,742 GJ/year
- CO2 output: 9,736 t
Energy balance with geothermal
- Natural gas saved: 76,921 GJ/year, 2,262,250 m3/year
- CO2 emission decreased by: 4,482.44 t/year
- Geothermal energy output: 69,229 GJ/year
Basic data
- Number of apartments served: 3,293
- Number of public institutions served: 27
- Heating plants and heating circuits: Tarján II. IV, V, VI
Energy balance before switching to geothermal
- Natural gas used: 2,899,000 m3/year
- Energy output: 81,097 GJ/year
- CO2 output: 5,885 t
Energy balance with geothermal
- Natural gas saved: 69,514 GJ/year, 2,044,419 m3/year
- CO2 emission decreased by: 4,050.83 t/year
- Geothermal energy output: 62,563 GJ/year
City Centre
Basic data
- Number of apartments served: 312 + 600 in the Cedrus apartment complex
- Number of public institutions served: 32
- Heating plants and heating circuits: Tisza Lajos krt 38, Török u. 3.
Energy balance before switching to geothermal
- Natural gas used: 435,894 m3/year
- Energy output: 13,301 GJ/year
- CO2 output: 977 t
Energy balance with geothermal
- Natural gas saved: 16,635 GJ/year, 489,264 m3/year
- CO2 emission decreased by: 4,575 t/year
- Geothermal energy output: 14,968 GJ/year + 55,692 in the Cedrus apartment complex
Research and Development
- Corrosion and scaling on the pipeline wall
- Clogging of injection wells
- Interaction of wells
- High methane content of the thermal water
- Social concerns